Walpole High School will again hold the popular Post Prom Party after this Friday’s prom from midnight to five o’clock in the morning. The after party has been run by Walpole parents for over 17 years, each time with a different theme. Last year, the party had a beach/luau theme, and this year it will have a carnival theme. Students will have the opportunity to do anything and everything from getting their palms read and competing in Rockband face-offs to listening to music and devouring cotton candy. Back by popular demand, last year’s hypnotist is scheduled to return to the post prom party as well. Everyone, including juniors sand seniors who choose not to attend the actual prom, is invited to come to the party and join in on what is sure to be a good time.
This year, the committee’s goal is to have everyone walk away with prizes and fond memories of the night. The party promises to be a huge hit, but its level of success largely depends on the help of donations and volunteers for the event. To get donations this year, event coordinator Mrs. McCann said that advertisements were put in place and a list of past donors was called for donations. A substantial amount also came from this year’s displaying of prom dresses in the Walk In Style fashion show fundraiser.
To help make the night one to remember, Mrs. McCann also says that they are in need of volunteers to help set up and monetary donations. The Committee is looking for things that 17 and 18 year olds would like to receive as fun prizes so that everyone can walk away with a prize to remember the night. Some ideas of things to donate are gift certificates, gas cards, flip flops, beach towels, sunglasses, and movie passes. Donations from Walpole residents can be sent to the school that their child(ren) attend(s), labeled “Post Prom Party”, and checks can be made out to Walpole High School. Donations can also be dropped off to Nancy Nelligan at 375 Winter Street, (508) 668- 4773, Karen Drinkwater at 33 Federal Street, (508) 668-9374, or Malina Lee at 1006 Main Street Apt. 3, (508) 668-5234. Heather Waite can also pick up any donations. Her phone number is (508) 660-8384.
The party will be a pressure-free environment for students, free of the peer pressure that may be present in other post-prom settings. Last year about 12o students attended, and it is expected that the number of attendees will meet (and possibly exceed) that number this year. It’s sure to be a great time, so come stop by and join in the fun!