As the 2011-2012 school year enters its final quarter, students need to make decisions regarding the 2012-2012 school year before summer can begin. Students should have already chosen the classes they are interesting in taking next year, along with alternates for non-core classes, on their x2 portals and then met with their guidance counselor to discuss their choices.
On Thursday, April 12, students recieved a course selection sheet that shows their class choices for next year, to be taken home and signed by a parent for final approval. These sheets should have been turned in to students’ advisors on April 26. If students failed to pass in the course selection sheet, it must be turned into guidance as soon as possible. Also, if they noticed any errors on their sheets, they must also be turned into guidance as soon as possible.
For students who wish to change their course selections, a “Change Form” must be completed. This form must be signed by the student, a parent, and teacher or department head if necessary. This form can be found in the guidance office or online the Walpole High Website. All Change Forms must be turned in no later than June 1.
If students were not recomeneded for a course or do not meet the prerequisutes for a course they wish to take, a “Waiver” form must be filled out and signed by the student and a parent. For instance, if a student wishes to take a higher level of a class than they were recomeneded for, a waiver is required. Students who enter a class on a waiver must remain in the class they were waved into until October 1 of the 2012-2013 school year. More information courses and prerequisites is available in the 2012-2013 program of study, also availabe on the Walpole High Website. The waiver form itself is available in the guidance department or can be printed from the website. All Waivers should be turned in by June 1.
Details on waiver conditions and the actual scheduling procces can be found in the Student-Parent Handbook. It is important for all students wishing to adjust their schedule for the 2012-2013 school year to turn in all of these forms soon. Guidance can be contacted with any questions or needed assiatance about scheduling for 2012-2013. As the end of the 2011-2012 school year approaches, it is important for students to prepare for their 2012-2013 school year shedules before summer begins.