The Walpole High School Girls’ Lacrosse teams are holding a fundraiser to support a local family in need. They will be selling Rebel apparel for the rest of their season, which ends on Wednesday, May 23. All money raised through this fundraiser will go directly to the Terry family of Walpole. Karen and Bob Terry’s daughter, Nicole, has been diagnosed with PANS and is undergoing various treatments.
This fundraiser was organized by Mrs. Frattasio, a foreign language teacher at Walpole High School. Frattasio’s daughter, Adrianna, is one of the captains of the Varsity lacrosse team. The coach of the Lacrosse team, Mr. Tosone, knows the Terry family, so Mrs. Frattasio felt it was appropriate to help out in any way she could. Frattasio said, “We are showing the girls that they are doing something good for somebody.” Although the fundraiser is completely optional for the girls on the Freshman, JV, and Varsity Lacrosse teams, most girls have been more than happy to help out in an attempt to raise money for the Terry family.
Nicole Terry, age 10, has recently been diagnosed with PANS (pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome), formerly known as PANDAS. PANS can be caused by infections from viruses, bacteria, or parasites and results in neuropsychiatric illness. Nicole’s brain disorder came very unexpectedly. Before Nicole had PANS, she was an energetic girl who was smart and rarely stopped smiling. She loved playing jump rope and dressing up. Although the great girl is still there, there have been many setbacks. Nicole started declining academically in March 2011, and by December she could no longer walk, talk, or do simple tasks on her own. Nicole can understand what everyone around her is saying, but she is unable to communicate back to others. The cause of Nicole’s mental illness is yet to be decided, but she has been taking tests to try to determine it. Common symptoms of PANS include Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, anxiety, irritability, behavioral regression, decline in school performance, and difficulty sleeping.
The money raised through fundraising assists the Terry family in paying out-of-pocket costs of treatments, visiting specialty doctors, and any other care needed for Nicole. If anyone is looking to purchase Rebel apparel to help the Terry family, feel free to contact either any Girls Varsity Lacrosse team member or Mrs. Frattasio to get an order form. The order forms are due at the conclusion of the Girls’ Lacrosse season on May 23. Any amount of money that is raised through this fundraiser is tremendously appreciated and will make a difference in helping Nicole.