Students at Walpole High will now be allowed to use cell phones during lunch
Students at Walpole High will now be allowed to use cell phones during lunch
As long as students can remember, cell phones were an automatic detention; but now, the Walpole High School Administration has tweaked the previously prohibiting cell phone policy. There will be no more need for the old, “I’m just digging at the bottom of my backpack for something” or the more commonly used, “I’m just casually sitting at a 150 degree angle in my seat with my hands underneath the desk while sporting a double chin and spotlight on my face.”
According to the 2012 handbook, students are now able to use cell phones, but usage is limited to only during lunch time. Students must be in the lunch room during their designated lunch in order to read or send texts. Previously, if a student was caught with a cell phone the teacher would not only take away the phone, but the student would also be passed a pink slip for an hour detention.
Though the policy gives students a newfound independence, the students in lunch are not allowed to communicate with students that are in active classes. Essentially, in order to text or make a call to a friend during lunch, it has to be with someone that is sitting at the next table over. However, the new policy does allow for easier communication between parents and students, so now all pressing issues on pick ups, play dates, and moms’ concerns on how the day is going can all be effortlessly resolved during lunch.
The Walpole High Administration has granted this new privilege with caution, trusting that students will not abuse the boundaries that have been set. The new policy is subject to change at any point during the year if teachers are dissatified with the way students are handling the new freedom.
Right. So now kids at lunch will text kids in class answers to tests. The school admin is nuts if they think the kids will only be texting other kids not in class. pu-leez.
really • Sep 21, 2012 at 7:31 pm
Right. So now kids at lunch will text kids in class answers to tests. The school admin is nuts if they think the kids will only be texting other kids not in class. pu-leez.