Walpole High School’s Green Team is exploring a new venture. The group has decided to take part in the Nike Reuse-A-Shoe Drive. This idea was a collaborative effort that was chosen by the team from a list of other projects. It was chosen because it was for a good cause: recycled shoes collected from the drive are made into sport surfaces for people of all ages to play on. This project is not only good for the environment, which is obviously what the Green Team is concerned with, but it is also helping to improve people’s lives through sports. It should give everyone, even less advantaged people, the chance to take part in sports no matter their economic circumstances.
This project was brought to the Green Team’s attention by their mentor, Special Education teacher Mrs. Karen Baumgartner. A participant of the Green Team, senior Jami Woodworth, explained that Baumgartner “usually surfs the Internet for projects. Sometimes we (the students) think up a general theme and pick projects specifically.” The group loved this idea so much that they decided to go along with it. The fact that Baumgartner found this idea online shows that anyone can do good for the world easily if they use the resources around them. It is also easy for high school students to participate in, since most people have old sneakers that they do not use or that do not fit them anymore.
Many students are excited about the sneaker drive. There are bins outside the nurse’s office in the lobby, and they are already very full. The Green Team is always looking for more donations, however, so students should remember to bring in their old sneakers from now until February 11, when the sneaker drive ends. Not only will students be getting rid of old sneakers and creating less clutter in their closets, but students will also be helping the less fortunate and the environment. What could be better than that?