- British Singer/Songwriter Ed Sheeran Promises a Private Concert for the Contest Winners.
Throughout the years, Walpole High School has seen its fair share of bake sales and can drives. It has hosted a multitude of events and conferences in which its visitors have worked arduously to lend a helping hand wherever one is needed. Every year, WHS students and faculty members participate in countless projects intended to benefit the community, and 2013 is no different. This January, the WHS Student Council announced that it would be participating in a unique radio contest that includes a grand prize worth singing about.
Walpole High School has decided to enter Mix 104.1 Karson and Kennedy’s Koats for Kids contest in hopes of winning a private concert from one of the most popular voices in the music industry today: singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. The radio station teamed up with both the Big Brother Big Sister Foundation and the young music sensation to help keep New England warm this winter. Mix 104.1 launched their first ever Koats for Kids contest by inviting schools in the station’s listening area to collect as many coats as possible for families in need; additionally, the Ed incentive inspires the inhabitants of entire communities to work for a common goal.
Walpole StuCo is accepting coats anytime between January 3, 2013 and January 22, 2013. Coats must be in usable good condition, have working zippers and buttons, and be unsoiled. Donations can be dropped off in the indicated bins located in the lobby of the high school. Walpole will be competing against other towns in specified New England counties for a private Ed Sheeran concert. The winning school will host the concert for its student body on January 31, 2013.
Since the announcement, the hallways of Walpole High School have been buzzing. Junior Cassidy Randall said, “I think this is a great opportunity for everyone in our school to get involved in helping the community. Also, It would be so exciting to see Ed Sheeran perform live, never mind at my own school.”
Ed Sheeran gained sudden popularity in the U.S. in 2012 as a newcomer to the music scene; however, his inexperience in the industry was not a hindrance, for his debut album “+” received massive praise from critics and listeners alike. Ed Sheeran has collaborated with Grammy-winning artists like Taylor Swift, and he has written songs for big-name clients like the pop group One Direction. When asked about Walpole’s chances of winning the contest and receiving this once-in-a-lifetime grand prize, WHS Student Council Advisor Ms. Kerry Mcmenimen said that winning is very likely, “as long as we works as a team to gather as many coats as possible.” The Student Council expects WHS students and staff to actively participate in this particular contest, as the winners will not only have the satisfaction of helping to keep families warm this season, but also experience “a pretty unique prize that will add to our school community,” Ms. Mac said.