“The Following,” Fox’s new drama series starring Kevin Bacon, has gained attention for its dark and sinister plot along with some intense violence. The show is about a retired FBI agent, Ryan Hardy (Kevin Bacon), who is called out of retirement to chase down an escaped serial killer, Joe Carroll (James Purefoy). Hardy is specifically called back because he was the FBI agent who last captured Carroll; however, a lot has changed for Hardy since Carroll was put away: he is now an alcoholic and is on disability. Now, the biggest change of all is Carroll’s cult of copy-cat killers who he uses to help kidnap and murder all of his victims. Carroll even goes as far as allowing Hardy to re-capture him and place him back in jail, all because this has become a game for Carroll.
The show has already received many positive reviews for its sinister plot and spectacular acting. The latter is not surprising, as the show stars Kevin Bacon, an award winning actor, and James Purefoy, both of whom give stellar performances as two men playing a intense game of cat and mouse. While the acting has been great so far, the more impressive aspect is the show’s outstanding writing. The writers have managed to keep the show suspenseful with barely any dull moments through three episodes so far. Additionally, the show has taken on a similar setup to Silence of the Lambs—a decision that has been the downfall of other shows—yet this show has managed to give “The Following” it’s own feel, further proving the talent of its writers and producers. Finally, the show has added an aspect of vivid and shocking violence. The series is one of the more violent network shows, which viewers normally only see on cable shows like HBO’s Game of Thrones. So, in a world where many action-based shows have to tone down their violence, The Following has managed to break this barrier.
The Following is a gritty and well-rounded show that is gaining a lot attention from critics and viewers alike. The sinister yet compelling plot, the intense violence, and the phenomenal acting led by Kevin Bacon has glued people to their televisions and left them on the edge of their seats. Overall, it seems as if Fox has scored once again when it comes to creating a drama series— in addition to “The Following,” Fox airs three other drama shows that have been nominated for awards: “Bones,” “Glee,” and “The Touch.”