- Seniors Steve Shevory, Corey Menno and Pete Bowes bust a move. Photo courtesy of Club T
This Friday, March 5th, Mr. St. Martin and the basketball team will hold their second dance party from 7:30 to 11:00 in the gym. The goal for this one is to get 500 students to attend, about 200 more than the last one, which was also successful. There will be lots of fun, food and dancing, as well as Club T deejaying once again. Tickets are $10.00 each and, if the goal of 500 students in attendance is achieved, the team will reach their target of $5,000. If anyone would like to help, St. Martin also said that food and drink donations are always appreciated. With all the promoting and planning St. Martin and the basketball team have done, the dance is sure to be another hit, so don’t miss out.
One of the main reasons St. Martin decided to plan another event was because of the positive feedback he got after the first dance. “Everyone that came to the first one had a good time, and there were also several students who wanted to come to the first one but couldn’t” said St. Martin. This will give all students another chance to join in on the fun. These dances are also something new for Walpole High, which in the past has only had dances that require semi-formal attire like the Winter Ball and prom. At a time like this, when high school sports are in between seasons, the basketball dance parties gives students something different and fun to do on the weekend while “keep[ing] the kids out of trouble”, said St. Martin.
Much work goes into planning and putting on an awesome dance like this upcoming one. The boys and girls booster programs help to organize, and then St. Martin plans it. Parents also volunteer to chaperone outside. St. Martin said that the word is spread about the dance through students to go and have fun.
Although the dance is a big fundraiser for the basketball team, they also do other things to keep the ball rolling. Every year, for example, the team holds a carwash, runs a few events during Walpole Day, and sells a basketball program book, profits of which are given to the team.
Unlike several other events at the high school, students cannot at this time get into the dance free with privileges; however, that is something that St. Martin said that he would consider for next year, even though the dance serves as a fundraiser for the team. This might attract even more students to attend these fun dances in the future.
Friday’s dance sounds like a lot of fun, and if it is anything like the last one the basketball team held, there is no doubt that students should have a great time. Here is hoping that St. Martin and the team can reach their goal of 500 students, and that every last one of them has a great night.