Springtime at Walpole High School is easily the most busiest time of year for both students and staff members. With spring sports beginning, Film Festival crews working hard on their movies, the Dance Company awaiting their performace, and multiple field trips it is a wonder if students and teachers have time to breathe. To add to the list of springtime events, Walpole High intends to host the 3rd annual Student-Faculty Theater on Thursday April 4th at 7pm in the auditorium.The purpose of this fun event is to showcase talents of both Walpole High students and faculty while also raising money for a worthy cause.
Two years ago, when the show started, the amount raised was sent to the Red Cross; Last year the school made a donation of both food and money to the Walpole Food Pantry. Although a charity has not yet been selected for this year’s profit, it certainly will be a worthy cause and a reason for many to attend the show. Last Friday, Assisant Principal, Mr. Edward Connor, made the announcement regarding this year’s Student-Faculty Theater on his weekly edition of “Mr Connor’s Corner”. His segment is to inspire, educate, and inform the school body of the major events happening at Walpole High. Obviously, all talents on display must be school appropriate, but other than that there are no set rules governing the acts. Mr. Connor urged both staff and students to sign up for the talent show and reveal their talents by singing, dancing, playing an instrument, comedy, magic, etc.
Mr. Connor, a big proponent of the Student-Faculty Theater, mentioned that the past shows have been a success. “We have not had huge crowds but whoever was there had a great time. Performers and audience both seem to enjoy themselves greatly,” said Mr. Connor. Last year, all of the student participants had a blast getting to know their teachers in a non-acedemic setting and seeing what kind of interesting talents their teachers had.
At the last Student-Faculty Theater a group of students, joined with Mr. Connor, sung the infamous “Call Me Maybe” and got many giggles and smiles from the onlookers. Math teacher, Mrs. Kathleen Milne, has continually been a crowd favorite for the last two shows. Her entertaining dance routines and impressive hula hooping skills never fail to extract hoots, hollers, and laughs from the audience. Senior Becky Chariton, who participated in the previous talent shows, said ” I love doing the Faculty Theater it’s always so fun and who doesn’t want to watch their teachers do weird things?”
The goal Mr. Connor has for this year’s show is to “have students and faculty work together to showcase their talents.” Some talents are already know about and some are hidden talents, so it is always interesting to see what type of performances are put on. So far only 2 acts have signed up to participate in the talent show, but Mr. Connor’s would like to get a lot more to sign up.
If you would like to be apart of the Student-Faculty Theater make sure to go see Mr. Connor in order to get a sign-up sheet. Tickets went for 5 dollars last year and are sure to be priced about the same this year. The event promises a night full of laughs, jokes, smiles, interesting talents, and most importanly, fun. Mr. Connor stressed that point that the event is not about making money. He said, “I want people to look at each other through a new lense and enjoy each other’s talents.”