Two is better than one, right? Most of the time, yes. Two extracurricular clubs at Walpole High School, the Green Team and Students Against Destructive Decisions (S.A.D.D.), have teamed up to sponsor Upcycle for Children through a technology-drive. Donations of usable electronics will be collected in the donation bin set up in the front lobby of Walpole High through Friday, March 15.
The Green Team, led by Mrs.Karen Baumgartner, initially planned this project to help the environment by encouraging students to donate their old electronics instead of throwing them away. Mrs.Kathleen Frattasio, the leader of Students Against Destructive Decisions, which was brought back to WHS this year, heard about this project and suggested to the members of S.A.D.D. that this would be a good opportunity to join in on the project and become involved. Sophomore Andie Painten, a member of S.A.D.D, said, “The tech-drive supports positive decisions and helps the community, which is what S.A.D.D. enforces. By upcycling electronics, students are doing something to help others and are helping the environment.”
This is the first project that the Green Team and S.A.D.D. have collaborated on, but it is not expected to be the last. By combining forces, the Green Team and S.A.D.D. have been able to spread the word about the tech-drive through posters all over the hallways, as well as an interview on the morning announcements. The posters have the slogan “Don’t Dump It…Donate It!” as a catchy reminder to students that it is a good choice to donate their electronics to charity as opposed to letting them go to waste by throwing them out. All proceeds from this collection will go to Norfolk Advocates for Children, an organization that seeks to help children who have experienced abuse. The electronics collected will help the N.A.C. provide services to abused children and their families.
There is no set goal as to how many items to collect for this technology drive, but donations are greatly appreciated and go towards a good cause. Electronics that may be donated include: Wii, XBOX/XBOX 360, Game Cube, PS2, and Nintendo DS/3DS. Also, four-year-old or newer Apple and PC laptops, iPods, Blackberrys, iPhones/smart phones, and DVDs of TV series will be accepted. No computer monitors or large items not on the list will be accepted. The Green Team encourages students to donate their electronics to this tech-drive in order to help both the environment and to help abused children and their families. Remember, “Don’t Dump It…Donate It!”
For further information about this tech-drive, visit www.causesinternational.com/upcycleforcharity/walpole-high-school
For further information about Norfolk Advocates for Children, visit www.norfolkadvocatesforchildren.com