No gum chewing, no food or drinks outside the cafe and no electronics in class: these are just a few of the countless rules stated in the Code of Conduct for Walpole High School. However, recently, WHS has been taking steps in the direction of allowing its students more freedom. Seniors in particular have been granted more privileges lately—starting with open campus.
The new privilege, stated on pages 52 and 53 of the Student-Parent handbook, has taken affect for the 2013-2014 school year; however, many students do not know how to go about using the concession and as a result, there has not been a large number using the privilege to their advantage. Senior Brendan Sullivan said, “The open campus policy is great, but I do not know many students that actually have used the policy yet.”
For seniors wishing to know about the benefit–the administration defines the privilege in the handbook: “Seniors on privileges, with study last period and a note from parent at the beginning of each semester may leave after signing out at the Attendance Office. Students may not leave on PLC Days when PLC activities require those students to be present.”
Only seniors who have privileges apply to the open campus freedom and assistant principle, Mr. Connor said, “There is a form for the student and parent to fill out. Once the form is in and we confirm that the student is eligible (ie. on privileges) then they can leave when they have study last block. They must sign out every time they leave.” Seniors who wish to get this form should go to the attendance office.
All students are only allowed 6 unexcused absences per semester per class and in the case of a student exceeding this number, the student can lose credits for the class. Before, seniors who were not present during studies last period were marked down as being dismissed and this dismissal counted toward their number of allowed absences. Students who had more than the allowed amount could revive after school hours. Many students agreed there was a flaw in this policy and believed it was unreasonable. They did not understand why it was mandatory for them to attend a class that they did not receive credits for any ways. With the implementation of this benefit, the administration hopes students see they are trying to give them more trust. Senior Mehron Hoag said,” By giving us this responsibility our senior year, I think it is a good way to prepare us for the college experience we will encounter next year.”
Senior liberties have been a talked about topic among the student body for a long time and finally this year, seniors with privilege cards are now allowed to leave early from school in the event that he or she has a study last block. Seniors have already been given the ability to eat outside at the picnic tables during lunches and proven with the new policy of allowing all students usage of phones during lunch, Walpole High School is definitely taking steps to giving students more freedom and responsibility. Referring to the open campus privilege, Mr Connor said, “I think that seniors who have worked hard and do what they are supposed to do in school should be rewarded in as many ways as possible. I hope they will learn and continue to show responsibility as young men and women.”