Walpole High School held the annual winter musical “Into The Woods” on March 13, 14 and 15. The story follows a baker as he encounters many different challenges and fairy-tale characters on his quest to save his family. Directed by James D’AttilIio and Mrs. Maccini Pavloff, the production is a new, darker version of Grimm fairy tales. For Mr. D’Attilio, this production is his 29th WHS winter musical at the helm. Major roles were played by the following: sophomore Jake Witherall as the baker, seniors Alina Robin as Cinderella, Katie Trudell as Little Red Riding Hood, Michelle Murray as the baker’s wife, Lauren LoRusso as the witch, and Joe Burke as Jack. Written by Hiromi Kondo and Max Simons.
Photos by Kaitlin Brown and Alex Otero
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