Gallery: Theatre Club Performs First Fall Musical: Cinderella

Stepsister Joy (Francesca Theofilou) dancing with the prince (Colin Wilber)
Cinderella (Allie Millette) and Fairy Godmother (Hayley Wigren)
Cinderella (Allie Millette) singing
Cassandra Stelmash, Kaya Robins and Samantha Simons dance at the ball
The prince (Colin Wilber) discovers the glass slipper
Full cast, crew, pit band and directors
Cinderella (Allie Millette) sings as stepmother (Ava Straccia) and stepsisters Joy (Francesa Theofilou) and Portia (Gina Destito) watch
Stepmother (Ava Straccia) performs on stage
The prince (Colin Wilber) sings after the ball
Myah Shelton tries on the glass slipper
Cinderella (Allie Millette) and prince (Colin WIlber) kiss during their wedding scene
The queen (Maggie Wall) consults the chef (Kaya Robins) and steward (Liam Welch)
Stepmother (Ava Straccia) performs alongside stepsister Portia (Gina Destito)    
Photo/ Emily Smith
Liam Welch and Emily Tomasetti dance at the ball
Aislyn O’Connell dances
Stepsisters Portia (Gina Destito) and Joy (Francesca Theofilou) dance together
Cinderella and the prince (Allie Millette and Colin Wilber) stand side-by-side
Cinderella (Allie Millette) and prince (Colin Wilber) begin to dance together
Photo/ Emily Smith
The prince (Colin Wilber)

Photos/ Emily Smith and Samantha Simons