PM Club Ends the School Year with Charles River Bike Tour
Throughout the 2018-2019 school year, the PM Club has embarked on several trips to different locations in Boston and surrounding areas, including the Frida Kahlo Art Exhibit at the Museum of Fine Arts, a bike ride around the Charles River, the Dreamland Wax Museum and many others.
“I definitely think that other students should join this club,” senior Alex Shnaider said. “The PM Club provides a unique experience that school fails to provide otherwise. It is certain anyone that goes will have a good time.”
Kathryn Bacon, WHS spanish teacher, started the PM Club this year, and it has gained popularity throughout the year, attracting more and more students each trip to the various Boston area locations.
“My favorite part of the PM Club is experiencing fun parts of Boston with friends,” junior Dierdre McCarthy said. “Without [Bacon], we wouldn’t have discovered parts of Boston that are really interesting, and the people that go are great to be around and make the trips really fun.”
Most students who participated in the PM Club this year were seniors who also graduated from Walpole High this year. Being a part of the PM Club gave them one last chance to make new friends and make memories before completing their senior year at WHS.
“I enjoyed spending time with my friends, especially because this is my senior year, as well as getting to know Boston’s transportation systems better because I will be going to school there,” senior Brendan Cormier said.
Some unique trips that the PM Club went on was their trip to the Franklin Park Zoo in September, visiting the Planetarium at the Museum of Science in February, Ice-Skating under the stars in Boston in December, and their most recent trip, a bike tour of the Charles River in May.
“I enjoyed the trip to the Franklin Park Zoo,” senior Sara Stranahan said. “It was the first PM Club field trip of the year, and I went simply because I love animals and thought it would be a fun opportunity to go into Boston. I met some amazing friends that day, and we all continued to go on the rest of the year’s trips together.”
Not only does the PM Club offer several opportunities to attend different exciting locations and to participate in all kinds of activities, it also provides a platform for people to easily make friends in different environments.
“My favorite part is the adventure of it all,” Stranahan said. “I met five great new friends through this club, and we remained friends throughout the whole year.”

Brianna Deasy, class of 2020, is a second year staff writer for the Rebellion. Outside of school, she works at Country Kitchen Coffee and Donuts, and...