Matt Ferraro Wins DAR Good Citizen Award
Ferraro Demonstrates Leadership and a Positive Attitude In and Out of WHS

Ferraro spends time with young children in Ghana, where he spent this past summer.
The Aaron Guild Chapter awarded senior Matt Ferraro the Good Citizen Award at the historic Morse House. The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) has been hosting this award since 1934 and in the past, has awarded various Walpole seniors, while also awarding surrounding students from Norfolk County Agricultural School and Norwood High School.
“This award recognizes and rewards individuals who possess the qualities of dependability, service, leadership and patriotism in their homes, schools and communities,” the DAR website stated.
To win this award, a student must first be nominated by their peers, then pass a teacher board voting on the nominees. At the ceremony, Ferraro was awarded a flag that was flown over the US Capitol and a plaque commemorating the ceremony. Ferraro also has the opportunity to apply for a scholarship through DAR, and he will be recognized during the WHS graduation.
“I was honored to receive the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award. Not only was I recognized as a leader by my classmates, but the faculty as well. It is nice to know that students who look to help other people are recognized for their hard work,” Ferraro said.
Ferraro is a student representative for Student Council, the event coordinator for the Green Team, an active member of National Honor Society and a captain for the swimming and diving team. Outside of school, Ferraro is involved in Boy Scouts, volunteering his time to lead programs once a week, and he also teaches swim lessons.
“He always comes to our events and is always looking to help out,” Student Council adviser Kerry McMenimen said. “When he sees something that needs to be done, he does it.”
In the summer going into his senior year, Ferraro participated in a month long international medical service project in Ghana, where he encouraged health practices and engaged in community service. This trip inspired him to pursue more medical projects, as he plans to study nursing in college.
“Because I am going into nursing, I am looking forward to helping treat people everyday,” Ferraro said. “With my skills and degree, I may join the Peace Corps and continue to help others.”
Ferraro is also an active member of the Green Team, serving as the event coordinator during his junior and senior years. Ferraro dedicates time and effort into leading the various clubs he is a part of and works towards bettering his community in any way possible. Additionally, he strives to incorporate community service into his weekly routine by joining the community service club, attending Veteran’s Day ceremonies and placing flags at veteran’s graves.
“Last year, [Ferraro] almost single-handedly ran a coat drive here at WHS. He contacted a dry cleaner who would collect [the coats] and dry clean them for free. [Ferraro] hauled all of the coats down there by there by himself,” Green Team adviser Karen Baumgartner said. “[Ferraro] was also part of a group of students who put together an excellent presentation on recycling and presented [it] to the Town Council. He was well spoken.”
Ferraro is looking forward to continue to help others throughout college and into adulthood. Specifically, he wants to draw inspiration from his service trip in Ghana and use his nursing education to better the lives of people in need.
“[Ferraro] is an extremely well rounded young man. I feel that he gets involved with things, not because it will look good on a transcript or résumé, but because he truly cares,” Baumgartner said. “[He] wants to work to improve things for the betterment of people, the environment, whatever [it may be].”

Renee Abbott, class of 2021, is the Editor-in-Chief of The Searchlight. Abbott is president of Creative Writing Club, and is a choreographer for WHS Dance...