A Guide to Clubs at Walpole High

Photo/ Kristyn Dentremont

Walpole High is lucky enough to host an array of clubs, open to any student interested in participating. As a freshman, the number of clubs can be overwhelming. What does each club do? How do I join? Most upperclassmen do not even know all of the clubs that exist within the school; here is a guide to some of the most popular clubs: 

Student Council (StuCo) is one of the top choices for students in years past, as they participate in activities on both state and local levels. StuCo is run by Co-Presidents Matt McLaughlin and Julie Blake. 

  “Within the school, we chair events like Pep Rallies, Spirit Week, Powderpuff Football Games, and a Blood Drive. We also attend a fall and spring regional conference with student councils from towns around us, which are a great way to learn new concepts and take ideas from other schools,” said McLaughlin.  

Student Council is one of the few clubs that elections take place in order to join. Elections occur at the start of the school year for freshmen, but at the end of the year for upperclassmen. Freshmen should pick up a signature sheet from the door of Ms. Kerry McMenimen—better known to the school as Ms. Mac. StuCo takes ten freshmen each year, and upperclassmen have the opportunities to join the executive board or run for a class position. After each year, there is a new election and each member must be re-elected. This provides the possibility for new members to be elected too. 

“I strongly recommend all freshmen to run for a student council position,” McLaughlin said, “joining is an outlet to meet people from other grades and build relationships with them.” 

The Walpole High Film Festival is one of the town’s most renowned programs. Student-led “teams,” write scripts, direct, act, and edit their very own films, which are aired at the annual Film Festival in May. One way to join this program is to take a film class, available to sophomores and up. There are other ways to get involved if you are uninterested in taking part in a film itself. Students can also help join the Event Staff, run by Mrs. Maryellen O’Malley, who helps organize the festival. This year, the club is coming up on its 19th annual festival, and anyone can get involved, including freshmen. The club is run by faculty advisors, Mr. Michael Alan and Mr. James Connolly. 

“All that matters is that they come up with an idea for a film. We help them work the screenplay, get a crew together, and give them the equipment and then give them all the help they need to make a movie,” said Alan. 

Any interested students can reach out to either Mr. Alan or Mr. James Connolly to learn more.

Another newly popular club is Walpole’s UNICEF, which stands for the global United Nations Children’s Fund.  Associated with the global UNICEF it is an organization that works to save and defend the lives and rights of children to allow them the best future possible (unicef.org). Walpole’s UNICEF club will work to raise money as well as spread awareness of their cause. 

“The club educates students at WHS about current events and disparities going on that typically aren’t talked about in school,” said Co-President Reeya Vadher, “Our goal is to raise money and help make the world a better place.” 

Along with Vadher, fellow co-president Britney Tsougas and faculty advisor Ms. Vanessa Hackett run the club. Meetings take place every Tuesday in Ms. Hackett’s room, 2308.  To find out more you can visit their Instagram page, @WalpoleHS_Unicef.  

These clubs might not be for you, and that is okay. Walpole High has clubs for everyone including the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA), Photography Club, and Community Service Club. Some clubs even have opportunities for students to travel for competitions at Walpole High. Over the past few years, the Speech and Debate Team run by Ms. Emily Murray has sent members to national competitions. Mr. Philip Balkus organizes Mock Trial, which takes a new case each year, and faces off in the courtroom for a lifelike trial against other towns. Jobs range from time-keeper to lawyer, and two years ago the WHS Mock Trial team made it to the playoffs. There are always new clubs created at school, including the Investment Club and WHS Safety and Self Defense Club, which were both started by students in the past two years. There are more clubs to offer than the ones listed here; although the beginning of the year is the ideal time to join, some clubs take members as the year goes on. There are always options if you choose to get involved!