Purchase a Senior Ad for our June 2022 Issue!
Edit 5/31: We are opening a waitlist for interested families. The waitlist will remain open until Friday, June 3 @ 8am OR when all spots are filled. If there is enough interest, we will add additional pages to the newspaper. All photos must be sent to jferguson@walpole.k12.ma.us prior to the deadline for eligibility. Respondents do not need to pay for their ad until their spot is confirmed, so please check your email on Friday morning. Thank you!
Would you like to shout out your favorite graduate in our June senior newspaper? The Searchlight is selling ad slots for families, friends, and loved ones to honor the Class of 2022. All proceeds go towards printing and distributing the newspapers.
Please read the following document for ad information and pricing. Donors can pay by Venmo, cash, or check; please make checks payable to Walpole Public Schools.
If you have any questions, please contact Jamie Ferguson at jferguson@walpole.k12.ma.us. Thank you for your support!