The transitional period between the seasons can be a difficult time to figure out how to decorate or change your room so that it stays in season. Remembering that fall is typically associated with having warmer hues of colors is a very beneficial part of the process when choosing things that you can add to your room. Making the switch between the color schemes of summer to fall can cause the room to look more in season. There are many ways to accommodate for the right color schemes and decorations to make your room feel homey and cozy as the weather gets cooler.
Starting out the process of decorating your room, make sure that your room is a clean slate to add things to. You could put on a fall playlist to feel more motivated and inspired, and music will make everything more relaxing. Additionally, having your room smelling like fall will make the decoration process that much more fun and relaxing. Scents can really make the room feel that much more comfortable and set the mood for decorating, as there are so many types of scents to choose from. My favorite fall scents are pumpkin spice or cinnamon. Candles or plug-in fragrances are the easiest ways to get your room smelling like fall.
After picking out music to listen to and a fall scent, it is helpful to take out all previous decorations that either don’t fit into the fall season or don’t match the color scheme of fall. The most common colors associated with fall are shades of orange, red and brown. Choosing new decorations that will include these colors will allow for the room to be more easily associated with the season.
Next, you should work on making your bed look nice and cozy. It is an important part of a room because it normally takes up the most space and is most noticeable in an area. Although the color scheme of fall is not white, sometimes the best color comforters are just plain white or cream ones because they do not coincide with any color themes. Having a more simple comforter would also help the room not look too chaotic, because otherwise your room could look chaotic or messy.
Then, add many blankets and pillows to make your bed not only look cozy but feel cozy. Blankets and pillows can be added in other areas of your room as well, such as if you have a chair or an area on the floor that could use comfort. Sometimes having too many can make the space look chaotic however, so try to find the happy middle where they check the box of comfort. Marshalls and T.J.Maxx are a good place to find aesthetic blankets. They sell blankets with patterns like plaid or pumpkins that fit into the theme of fall.
Once the other steps are complete, decorations can be added. The most common fall decorations for a bedroom are probably pumpkins, but you could also add fall garland if you would like. Although they’re not much of a decoration, lights can make your room feel more relaxing. If you use lights, make sure they have a warm hue to them so they won’t be too bright. Fairy lights are a perfect choice because they look cute and are easy to put up.
Overall, one of the most important things to remember when you are getting your room ready for the fall season is to use warmer tones to match the aesthetic. Good luck getting your room ready for the new season!