“Married to Jonas” — premiering on April 28 — is back for another season on E!. Singer Kevin Jonas and wife Danielle “Dani” Jonas have been married for three years now and are finding that the married life gets more complicated every day. Even for Dani, being married to a Jonas Brother can be difficult at times, but they still manage to make it work. The show follows the two lovebirds while they try to juggle Kevin’s music life and Dani’s crazy Italian family who always seems to be butting into their life.
The Jonas Brothers were a big hit back in 2008. However, they have since died down as a result of Kevin’s marriage. The boys went their separate ways, but now they are working on a new album, and that is just one of the exciting things viewers get to see on the show. The brothers are using the show as a platform to get back in touch with their fame, for the night of the premiere featured the brothers making a music video for their new song “Pom Poms.”
While the Jonas Brothers are working on making a big comeback, the show mostly deals with the couple’s conflict between work and family.
Like most rock star’s significant others, Dani gets lonely when Kevin is on the road. She is not very understanding when it comes to her husband’s music career. Last season, the “happy couple” argued over things like the pressure of getting pregnant and Dani being uncomfortable with her appearance. Now that the two are separated for most of the time, that can only mean more fights in the future.
The second episode of the new season starts off with Dani’s loud Italian family deciding to move in to their house. However, Dani never agrees to this and gets frustrated very quickly.
At times, they do add some comic relief, like when Kevin and Dani found her dad shirtless in their backyard doing random yard work. This relief gives the audience a break from all the drama, but at times, their presence on the show gets downright tedious and stupid. As if moving into the Jonas house for a week is not enough, they plan on staying for months. Mrs. Delesea takes over Dani’s kitchen and moves in her china just in case she needs to entertain. The inclusion of the family during the second season appears to be a strategic move to fabricate conflict within the household; however, much of these familial conflicts seem overly contrived.
On top of all of the family disputes, just filming the show adds stress to Kevin and Dani’s marriage. Dani never liked the idea of being in the spotlight — and now that she is, she is uncomfortable most of the time, and her self esteem goes down from a lot of negative public comments. It seems like Kevin doesn’t want her to be in the spotlight anyways.
Dani chooses to be an independent working girl in the third episode of this season, but inevitably, Kevin does not agree. In his mind, he can leave for months on end for a tour, but Dani can’t work 9-5 writing columns for a newspaper. All the weight put on Dani’s shoulders to be the perfect pop-star wife could lead to a messy public divorce. Really though, her insecurity in the public spotlight is the best reason to watch this show; unlike other reality shows where confident, crazy women make hilarious and stupid rants, Dani at least contains a sense of genuine anxiety that resonates with viewers.
We have already seen the little fights, and throughout the season viewers are anticipating bigger arguments between the two. This new season looks like it is foreshadowing what is to become of Kevin and Dani’s marriage. Tune in on E! Sunday nights at 10:30pm to see if Dani’s family will continue to use the two as a way to get on top and if Kevin and Dani’s relationship will be demolished by the spotlight.