The second annual Senior Walk took place on May 22, where WHS seniors walked through the halls of the four Walpole elementary schools. Prior to the event, Student Council organized a sign-up for the seniors. The Student Council then sent over 200 seniors to their former elementary schools, where they reminisced with old teachers. Elementary students lined the hallways and clapped as seniors walked through their old hallways dressed in graduation gowns.
What made the event unique was that both Walpole High seniors and the elementary school teachers and students were able to enjoy the event together.
“This new tradition is a wonderful way for the elementary teachers to reconnect with students and a way for the elementary students to see what hard work can accomplish. We enjoyed it just as much as the seniors did,” said Boyden Principal Brendan Dearborn.
This may only be the second annual Senior Walk for Walpole Public Schools, but according to the Student Council Advisor, it is still one of the most successful events for the seniors.
“About 230 seniors attended the senior walk, and it was awesome to see how even on a Monday morning a ton of the seniors still turned up,” said Student Council Advisor Kerry McMenimen.
Following this year’s event, the Student Council hopes to continue this tradition for all future seniors.
“I loved the Senior Walk,” said senior Morgan Fontana, who attended Boyden Elementary School. “It was a great experience and I was nostalgic to see my old school and old teachers.”