“Celebrity Big Brother” Second Week Recap
Spoiler alert! If you are behind on some episodes, come back to this article after you watch!
After the first live eviction of the season, the second Head of Household (HOH) competition went underway. Each week, all of the houseguests are eligible to compete in the competition—except for the outgoing HOH. All of the celebrities, excluding Ryan Lochte (the previous HOH), battled in a traditional endurance competition, where the houseguests held onto a wall with many obstacles thrown in their way.
Kato Kaelin won the second HOH competition of the season. He named Tamar Braxton and Dina Lohan as his nominees; however, his reasoning for the nominations seemed rather personal. A lot of drama and tension arose amongst the celebrities. Lolo Jones and Braxton fought over the previous eviction, and later, another fight followed after nominations between Braxton and Kaelin.
Due to the limited amount of time in the celebrity season, many events can happen in a short amount of time. The next Power of Veto (POV) competition was played on a live episode. Joey Lawrence, Natalie Eva Marie, Tom Green, Lohan, Braxton and Kaelin played in the competition, and Green was the winner. Even though he was not a nominee, he used the POV on Lohan, and Kaelin named Lochte as the replacement nominee. After his HOH reign, Lochte was seen as one of the biggest targets in the house, and evicting him was beneficial for the remaining houseguests.
Within the same live episode, the next eviction was held. The final nominees were Lochte and Braxton, and by a vote of 6-1, Lochte was evicted. The second week of “Celebrity Big Brother” displayed an immense amount of strategic gameplay, as Kaelin “backdoored” Lochte. The backdoor is considered a blindside, where one houseguest is not initially nominated for eviction, so they do not have a chance to win safety in the POV competition. The POV will be used to remove one nominee and replace them with the house’s main target—leaving the target with no chance of safety.
During the second week, new alliances formed: Kaelin and Green emerged as a male power duo, while Jones and Eva Marie emerged as a female power duo. The two pairs later solidified a final four alliance. Before his eviction, Lochte was left alone because of Jonathan Bennett’s eviction, but he seemed to be working with Lawrence at times. Later in the week, Lawrence attempted to form an alliance with Kandi Burruss, Braxton and Lohan; however, the females in the group were not confident about the alliance’s strength.
On the next episode, Jones was very upset after Lochte’s eviction. Shortly after, the next HOH competition was played one at a time. The houseguests (everyone except Kaelin) had to navigate through dark rooms, and whoever escaped in the fastest time would win the competition. Kaelin was not eligible to compete, and Green became the new HOH with a winning time of 3:07. Ricky Williams came in second with a time of 3:44.
After the competition, the Celebrity Breaking News twist revealed that America voted for one houseguest who would receive the Power of the Publicist. This power allows the selected houseguest to remove himself or herself from the block at any nomination or veto ceremony. The power can only be used once, but it can significantly change the HOH’s plans for the week. America voted for Braxton to receive the power, so for now, she can secretly keep herself safe.
Green nominated Lawrence and Burruss, but he incorrectly accused both celebrities of winning the twist’s power. The celebrities played in a Super Bowl themed POV competition, where each houseguest challenged each other, spun around and kicked three field goals with inflatable footballs. Whoever earned three points first would win the round. Green, Burruss, Lawrence, Lohan, Eva Marie and Jones participated, but Eva Marie was the winner after she beat Jones in the final round.
The alliance between Green, Kaelin, Jones, Eva Marie and Williams also began to crumble. Green saw Williams as a threat and wanted to backdoor him, similar to the previous plan involving Lochte. However, Eva Marie chose not to use the POV, keeping the nominations the same. Green and Kaelin do not trust the other three members of their alliance based on the outcome of the POV ceremony.
The final nominees for the next live eviction were Lawrence and Burruss. By a unanimous vote of 6-0, Lawrence was sent home. Now, most of the houseguests are suspicious of Green and Kaelin. With the last week and a half remaining in the house, the celebrities are one step closer to the $250,000 prize.

Ashley Kuropatkin, class of 2020, is an Editor-in-Chief for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she is the varsity volleyball team manager, and her...