Meet The Captains: Cheer

Justine Prophil

When did you first begin playing this sport?

Freshman year of high school. 

Do you want to continue this sport in college?

Most likely no. 

Who was a prominent coach in your sports career? Why?

Elisabeth Udahl was the coach who shaped the majority of my cheerleading career. She truly cared about the team and was always there to make sure each and every one of us was successful. She taught my team and the importance of working as a unit in the sport.

What other activities/clubs are you involved in?

Student Council, Green Team, National Honor Society, French Club. 

How do you feel going into this season?

I think this season will be a difficult one for us without a doubt. We have some amazing competition, but our girls are willing to work and that will make for an overall amazing season no matter the outcome.

What are some goals set for the team this coming season?/How do you plan to achieve these goals?

Our goals for the season are to hit a perfect routine at every competition, and there’s nothing more I can ask for from these girls; the rest is up to the judges.

Who are some big opponents/rivals? Why?

Because we don’t necessarily compete within our league all the time, we don’t have major rivals, however; if I had to choose a few I’d say Natick is a pretty big competitor of ours because they constantly bring 100% effort, have a high level of rigor in their routines and have some very talented athletes.


Darci Coleman

When did you first begin playing this sport?

I first began with youth cheer, having to take a break in middle school because I did competitive dance, but seriously started freshman year.

Do you want to continue this sport in college?

I would love to continue with cheer if the college I plan to attend has a more recreational or club team.  

Who was a prominent coach in your sports career? Why?

Elisabeth Udahl because she always saw and appreciated the hard work, love and commitment Justine and I have for the sport. She would always try and create special moments for us at practice, or competitions and games.

What other activities/clubs are you involved in?

Student Council, Green Team, French Club, and Prom Committee. 

How do you feel going into this season?

I am very excited because not only do we see improvement with stunts or tumbling throughout the season, but we also get to see new friendships and bonds grow among the girls.

What are some goals set for the team this coming season?/How do you plan to achieve these goals?

I would love to just put out a really clean and fun routine that the audience will enjoy and that we will be proud of at competition. I think we will achieve this by working together as a team and not as 17 individuals.

Who are some big opponents/rivals? Why?

Braintree is always really amazing and big competition at our Bay States competition.