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The Student News Site of Walpole High School

The Searchlight

The Student News Site of Walpole High School

The Searchlight

The Student News Site of Walpole High School

The Searchlight

2017-2018 Staff

Megan Brigham

Megan Brigham

Megan Brigham, class of 2019, is a third year staff writer for The Rebellion. At Walpole High, she is a two year captain of the girls soccer team, runs track in the spring, and participates in the Spanish club. Outside of school...

Catherine Hurwitz

Catherine Hurwitz

Katie Hurwitz, class of 2019, is the Online Managing Editor and Entertainment Editor  for The Rebellion. At school, Katie is involved in National Honor Society, Creative Writing Club, Random Acts of Kindness Club, Film Festival...

Emily Smith

Emily Smith

Emily Smith, Class of 2019, is the photography editor and a second year writer for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she is a member of the dance company, Photography, Feminism and Random Acts of Kindness Clubs. Outside of s...

Hope Jordan

Hope Jordan

Hope Jordan, class of 2019, is the business manager for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she is a member of Student Council and a member of the Student Police Advisory Council. Outside of school, she enjoys working and ...

Molly O'Connell

Molly O’Connell

Molly O'Connell, class of 2019, is an Editor-in-Chief for The Rebellion. In school, she is a part of National Honor Society, Latin Club, and Student Council. She is also on the girls golf team. Outside of school, she enjoys r...

Jessica Ferguson

Jessica Ferguson

Jess Ferguson is a senior and an Editor-in-Chief of The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she is a director in the Film Festival and a member of the National Honor Society. In her free time outside of school, she watches movies, ...

Caitlin Kahaly

Caitlin Kahaly

Caitlin Kahaly, class of 2019, is the News Editor for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she participates in Best Buddies club and Spanish club. Outside of school, she enjoys going to her local youth group, exercising and han...

Sarah St. George

Sarah St. George

Sarah St. George, class of 2020, is an Editor-in-Chief for The Rebellion. At Walpole High, she plays soccer, runs indoor track, is the Vice President for Student Council and participates in the Green Team and Best Buddies. Ou...

Brendan Moser

Brendan Moser

Brendan Moser, class of 2019, is a three year staff writer and Assistant Sports Editor for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, he plays varsity boys soccer and tennis. Outside of school, he plays club soccer and rec. basketball...

Samantha Simons

Samantha Simons

Samantha Simons, class of 2019, is a first year newspaper managing editor and second year layout editor for The Rebellion. At Walpole High, Samantha is a member of the Tri-M National Music Honors Society, participates in the th...

Bridget O'Connor

Bridget O’Connor

Bridget O’Connor, class of 2020 is a second year staff writer for the Rebellion at Walpole High School. She participates in Best Buddies. Bridget’s favorite classes include Anatomy, Latin and Journalism. Outside of school B...

Olivia O'Connell

Olivia O’Connell

Olivia O'Connell, class of 2019, is a third year sports staff writer for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she plays lacrosse. Outside of school, she enjoys working at a daycare and hanging out with friends....

Callie Ross

Callie Ross

Callie Ross, class of 2019, is a third year opinion editor for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School she participates in best buddies. Outside of school, she works at an after school program at Elm Street elementary school, a...

Brianna Deasy

Brianna Deasy

Brianna Deasy, class of 2020, is a second year staff writer for the Rebellion. Outside of school, she works at Country Kitchen Coffee and Donuts, and plays live shows with her band for fun. ...

Chloe Patel

Chloe Patel

Chloe Patel, class of 2020, is the Newspaper Managing Editor and Website Editor for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she is the President of French Club, on the Mock Trial Team, in Random Acts of Kindness, in DOVE and p...

Allison Millette

Allison Millette

Allison Millette, class of 2019, is a second year staff writer for The Rebellion. Allie also is a member of the Walpole High School Theatre club, Speech and Debate team, Chorus, and is vice president of Tri-M music honors society. ...

Ashley Kuropatkin

Ashley Kuropatkin

Ashley Kuropatkin, class of 2020, is an Editor-in-Chief for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she is the varsity volleyball team manager, and her favorite classes are Journalism, Spanish, and Anatomy. Outside of school, she...

Rachel Stanton

Rachel Stanton

Rachel Stanton, class of 2020, is a Social Media Director for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she runs cross country, winter track, spring track. She also is a member of National Honor Society and Green Team. ...

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Eva Clarke

Eva Clarke, class of 2019, is the lifestyle editor and a second year writer for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she runs winter and spring track, plays soccer, and participates in feminism club. Outside of school, she is...

Jared Schmitt

Jared Schmitt

Jared Schmitt, class of 2019, is a second year staff writer for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, he competes on the Speech and Debate team in various speech events. Outside of school. he enjoys working with technology and spe...