After a promising start to season five of ABC’s “Modern Family,” episodes three and four did not disappoint. Episode three, “Larry’s Wife”—although lacking significant development in the overall plot—proved to be just as entertaining as its predecessors. Phil is continuing his real estate career, and he finds success in helping divorced wives and widows find new homes. However, he finds himself being stretched too thin when he is relied on for emotional support as well. Workng with more than one client at a time is comically compared to “cheating” in a relationship, and Claire warns Phil to be careful. Phil does not listen, however, and when he runs into the awkward situation of seeing several clients while at the grocery store, Claire acts as another client to prove a point to Phil. One of the most important plot lines in the season is Mitch and Cam’s wedding. It is originally agreed that Cam would plan the wedding, but after a hectic day with Lily, Cam decides otherwise. Mitch and Cam agree to plan the wedding together, so Mitch’s OCD can balance out Cam’s irresponsible behavior.
Episode four, “Farm Strong,” continues Cam and Mitchell’s wedding crisis. Cam’s sister Pam comes to visit, and Cam is nervous to break the news. He worries his sister will be upset that he is marrying before her, but this does not seem to be the case. Pam announces she is also getting married, ironically to the man that was Cam’s high school sweetheart. Cam begins to feel jealous of Pam, and they begin a typical sibling feud. Jay is convinced Gloria needs glasses, but she refuses to get them. She reminds him that if she gets glasses she will be able to see Jay aging. Hence, Jay and Gloria reach a compromise – he will wear his hearing aids sparingly so he does not have to listen to her voice, and she will wear her glasses occasionally so she does not see his aging. Like all resolutions in Modern Family, this one is equally humorous. Phil and Claire decide to take a break from their chaotic schedules and skip Luke’s soccer game because Luke hardly ever gets playing time anyways. Claire cannot cope with the guilt of missing a game, so she attends the game behind Phil’s back, and Luke plays the game of his life, earning himself a starting position in the next game. Just like all secrets in the family, Phil immediately finds out that Claire went to the game without him. Pam and Cam’s dilemma is eventually resolved, as Cam accepts his overly sensitive side. “Farm Strong” was also “Modern Family’s” 100th episode, and although entertaining, the episode was nothing out of the ordinary. Such a successful show deserves to broadcast this achievement and should have recognized this milestone. Despite the lack of excitement over the 100th episode, episodes three and four were a great addition to season five. The newest episode of “Modern Family” will premiere on Wednesday, October 16 at 9 PM on ABC.