Scotty Cameron Wins DAR Good Citizen Award
Each year, the Aaron Guild Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution recognizes a small number of students to receive the Good Citizens Award. The Aaron Guild Chapter is based in Norwood and awards students in both Walpole and multiple nearby towns. These students have been recognized by their teachers and peers for their inept leadership skills and passionate involvement with their communities. The Good Citizen award is reserved for high school seniors who are heavily involved in aiding their community, both inside and outside of school.
On Nov. 10, Walpole High School senior Scotty Cameron received the Good Citizen Award. Cameron was named a great citizen due to his community service involvement through many different mediums and organizations. Cameron has given back to his community through leading clothing drives, organizing landscaping events and even being the regional leader of Project 351, a local youth leadership organization. On top of his extensive volunteer work, Cameron is also the National Honors Society President at Walpole High School.
“I really enjoy making connections with others and I find service fulfilling,” said Cameron.
Cameron’s participation in the community has also brought him opportunities with several notable figures. Cameron has worked with both Governor Charlie Baker and Mayor Marty Walsh, as well as former Boston Celtic Kyrie Irving. As an accomplished student and involved community member outside of school, Cameron is certainly a charitable citizen worthy of recognition.
“I am extremely grateful for this award because, when doing community service, it is never just one person. It has always been countless people that have supported me throughout the process,” Cameron said.
He recognizes those who have helped him with his numerous projects in the past, as he has worked with many people over time. Even with Cameron’s extensive work within his community, he recognizes others who were nominated for the award.
“I was surprised and honored because there were many other well-deserving nominees like Jess Elmhurst, Shalyn White, and Michael Jung,” said Scotty Cameron when asked how he felt when he found out about the award.
Cameron has involved himself with many community service opportunities through Walpole High School as well. Later this year, Cameron wants to run a fundraiser through the National Honors Society in which they compete with the Community Service Club. Few students are as accomplished in their community as Cameron, making him a worthy recipient of this prestigious award. Given his leadership skills and volunteer work, Cameron is a role model for those around him. Those looking to better their communities or just become more involved can look to Cameron for guidance.
“I would recommend getting involved with the Community Service Club, Random Acts of Kindness Club, National Honor Society or Student Council because each group does community service events and projects that also teach students skills such as event planning, project design and public speaking,” Cameron said.

Toby Moses, class of 2023, is the Sports Editor of The Searchlight. At Walpole High School, he runs track and is a member of the Spanish Club. Outside...