Even if you have been living under a rock for the past twelve years, you should be able to watch one Presidential Debate and decipher the differences between the two candidates. Yet, there is still 15 percent of the population that is undecided, and there will still be a lot of undecideds at the time of the next debate.
There are __ days left until the election, and the amount of people that are undecided between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney is astounding. As Jim Lehrer tried to point out, in almost every question he asked, the two candidates have strikingly different policies on almost all subjects. It’s not the Herman Cain “Libya…Libya…umm…uhhh” type of difference either, it is a stark difference between conflicting ideologies and different plans to acheive similar ends.
Yes, congratulations, you both want to fix the economy, balance the budget, defend the Constitution and rid the world of Al Qaeda’s presence. With those points of discussion alone, you associate with all Americans and win the election hands down. But its the policies that separate each candidate, the ideas of how to fix the country’s problems are the deciders in which a voter will decide between one candidate or the other. Both Romney and Obama have been very clear about those plans and policies, and a voter should know by now how either plans to shape America. A simple trip to one of the campaign’s website would suffice; an uneducated voter could easily decide which policies he or she identifies themselves with, and vote with that candidate.
Obama’s website, barackobama.com, details the president’s accomplisments over his first term, from getting troops out of Iraq to creating two years of continuous job growth. The facts are shown, as Obama’s graphic of job growth does indicate that within the first two years of his presidency, there was substantial job loss.
Obama lists his plans for the future as well, to continue the job growth and to decrease the unemployment rate, indicating that acts like the Recovery Act should not be a one-and-done occurence. Also, Obama talks about his plan to extend tax cuts in the middle class and raise taxes for the upper class to bring in revenue to help lessen the deficit.
For each Obama success—from the indisputable, killing Osama Bin Laden, to the disputable, implementing his bankruptcy plan for Detroit—he puts a quote of Mitt Romney’s that disputed each Obama policy. Obama also has a website called romneytaxplan.com, which tells you to click on a button in order to find out the details of how the Romney Tax Plan will balance the budget, but you can not click on the button. The button moves around your mouse, pointing to the lack of details that the Romney-Ryan partnership have given with respect to the issue. Among the Romney thrashing are videos detailing Romney’s excessive and impulsive quotes against Obama, most of them rather stupid, to show his ridiculousness on some subjects such as foreign policy and health care.
Romney’s website is more of the same—details, albeit limited ones, about policies that would enhance a “real recovery,” places for supporters to donate money, attacks on the president’s time spent in office. Romney lists his famous five-point plan in an eight page essay from a professor about the plan and how it will work. Here, Romney is candid about the plan, and his other economic policies that he believes will get America to the place it should have been had he been president four years ago. Romney’s speeches have been labelled as too plain and too vague regarding the issue of government intake through taxes, but on the website he talks about his tax plan in a way that an American would either agree with it or lose his or her Sunday breakfast reading it.
With each policy that Romney states, he provides evidence on how Obama’s policies were a failure in that sector, detailing how his presidency would be much more effective in advancing America, specifically through economic means. Romney talks about Obama’s policies and describes them as failures, and how his plans would work to create jobs and decrease the suffering of the middle and lower classes.
All this can be found out from a simple trip to each of the candidates’ website. Listening to any of the president’s or the governor’s speeches in the last two years, one could easily have formed opinions about the candidates and decided his or her vote. The fact that a large percent of the populace is undecided is abominable; people need to focus on the issues that effect themselves and decide which candidate best supports these positions.
That’s what the candidates have said throughout their campaigns, and will continue to say the same things until the election. So wake up from that underneath that rock America, it will not be long until you make it all the way to the polls to vote.