How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions in 2021

As easy as it seems, keeping New Year’s resolutions usually doesn’t last long. This year, COVID-19 has made it even more difficult to keep resolutions. However, there are lots of ways to maintain New Year’s resolutions throughout the year of 2021. Whether it be reading more or learning a new skill, these tips can help everyone with their own resolutions.

One easy way to keep your 2021 resolution is to set reminders. Many people use the calendar app or the reminders app on Apple products to help them stay organized and prepared for the day. Why not use it for resolutions, too? In addition to setting reminders, setting specific time periods for the resolution throughout the day or week will start to create a routine. Every day, it will become easier to remember to focus on this year’s resolutions instead of forgetting them by the end of January.

Another great way to maintain your resolution is to find ways to hold yourself accountable. Telling family members or friends about your resolution maintains accountability as the thought of them knowing pushes the resolution to the front of your mind. It almost tricks you into focusing on the resolution. Writing down what has been done and maintaining checklists is another clever way to stay accountable. It is extremely satisfying to check things off of lists, especially if there is a lot to get done; as a result, this encourages you to actually complete the tasks on your list. Another way to hold yourself accountable is to write down or type out how you feel before and after you have completed the resolution. Most people feel better after they have been productive, so reminding yourself of how good it feels to complete a task is another way of keeping this year’s resolutions going throughout the year.

Building onto accountability, sharing New Year’s resolutions with your friends can add a fun and cheerful outlook on what needs to get done. This is great for bonding with friends, attaching excitement to your resolution and continuing the resolution throughout the year. Whether it is a group resolution or not, friends are there to remind you what you are working for in the end. Your friends have your back and you have theirs. Everyone is kept accountable.

One thing to keep in mind is that it is okay to take breaks. Feeling helpless or tired are some signs that you may need a break. There is always tomorrow to try again. Lots of challenges may discourage you, but it’s important to look forward to what you want to keep your focus on the resolution. Having a day off can also be helpful in creating motivation to do better the next day. 

 COVID-19 may affect your ability to do lots of regular activities, but that leaves more room for creative and innovative ways to keep your 2021 New Year’s resolutions. Setting reminders, times, calendar dates and keeping yourself accountable are four strong methods to accomplishing your resolution. Hopefully, your resolution lasts longer than you thought possible.