How to Blossom into the Spring Season the Right Way
The best way to start off a new season is redecorating one’s home, kitchen, yard or bedroom. The easy and simple way to start is by getting rid of clutter and making sure most if not all items are off the floor. Too much clutter creates a cluttered mind and builds up dust. With the spring comes pollen and allergies, so eliminating dust from one’s home is a step in the right direction. When redecorating, try pushing most of the dark colors away and bring the bright colors or pastels to the center. Cleaning one’s bedroom is a weekly thing; however, to bring on the new season, move around the furniture and dressers to create a fresh room one is excited about. One’s bedroom should be a place of relaxation and comfort, so after a long day outside in the nice weather, coming home to an organized and clean bedroom is what anyone would desire.
Listen to new music
Lately, songs have been repetitive and everyone’s playlist might need a new addition. New music is coming out on most music platforms every week. Try listening to bands, artists or genres that one has not heard before. You may just find your new favorite genre.
Start a new television series
Many new shows have been added to Netflix and other TV networks. Although going outside and not spending six hours watching TV is favorable, everyone needs a new series to jump into once in a while.
New wardrobe
Shorts, skirts and much more are back and ready to be pulled from hibernation! If one has the time and money, go shopping for new clothes and trends. Knowingly, there are a lot of new trends that are springing up for the warm weather, but these new trends could already be in one’s closet. The new season is a time to start off with new outfits and wear whatever one feels comfortable in.
Start a garden
Starting gardening early spring is beneficial because one can watch them grow during spring and bloom in the summer. Many people have started vegetable gardens using seeds which can be bought at any hardware store or nursery. Starting from seed makes the wait that much more special and in the end is perfect for decorating one’s yard or home.
Leap into a daily routine
Routines are an awesome way to start off a season or even just the week. Simple or complex, routines can move the days along and one can look forward to something everyday. Here is a daily routine example: Eat breakfast, go to school, practice at 2:00, go on a run, water plants, walk plus feed the dogs, eat dinner, study, skin care, meditate then leisure time.
Exercise and eat healthy
Staying active and healthy should be part of one’s daily routine; however, routines can easily slip away. Look up healthy recipes and try something new. Getting into healthy habits is shown to improve one’s mood. “A diet with a high glycemic load includes many refined carbohydrates, such as those found in soft drinks, cakes, white bread and biscuits. Vegetables, whole fruit, and whole grains have a lower glycemic load,” said Medical News Today. So starting a healthy diet could make one be more optimistic and happier.
Take advantage of the nice weather
The winter season brought a lot of snow and kept most of us inside. Speaking of staying active, taking a walk outside is a great way to get in that one mile, enjoy the day and take a break from social media or electronics. There are a lot of things to do outside including taking what normally is done inside, out. For example, studying, reading, painting, ect.
Overall, spring brings warmth and hope for summer getting closer everyday. How will you start off the season?

Caroline Applin, class of 2021, is a Layout Editor for The Rebellion. At Walpole High School, she plays soccer and softball. Outside of school, Applin...