One common struggle that many high school students share is finding the most effective ways to study for an upcoming assessment. There are many methods of studying that can lead to success on a test; but many students aren’t taught the best methods.
The first method of study that has been found to increase test scores is the method of teaching the subject to someone else. This is very effective because, in order to teach someone else a subject, you must understand the topic yourself. This forces you to really learn the topic and obtain as much knowledge as possible in order to share that with someone else.
Another helpful technique you could use for studying is to review topics in short intervals over a long period of time. This is a productive method of study because spacing out your studying challenges your brain to recall information you reviewed earlier, making it easier to remember the information later. Spacing out your study periods over a longer period of time helps you make connections to concepts you had reviewed previously. Making connections and challenging yourself to remember specific facts helps you in the long run for tests and quizzes.
“One of the most impactful learning strategies is “distributed practice”—spacing out your studying over several short periods of time over several days and weeks,” the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill stated.
SQ3R stands for survey, question, read, recite, review. This is a very effective study method, especially for students who need to memorize and easily recall information from a book or packet. The first step to the survey is skimming your reading and picking out the most important information. The second step is to think of and write down questions you have relating to the topics you just reviewed. Then, read over the important information you noted and write down that info too along with the questions you asked. Recite, try and remember the information you’ve reviewed. These steps help you decipher what information you know and what you need to focus more on. Lastly review- overview everything you have read, questioned and learned. This step is so you fully understand the lesson or topic you are studying.
“The SQ3R method can be one of the best studying techniques to help students identify key facts and retain information within their textbook.” University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences stated.
The Feynman technique is another very successful technique that students should utilize. But what is the Feynman technique? Essentially, this technique is rewording definitions and concepts into your own words. This helps you understand and retain information easier because you are able to put it into a language you can understand. This is best performed with challenging concepts with technical terms like sciences and psychology. The name of the technique comes from Richard Feynman; a American Nobel laureate.
While it is useful to understand and practice efficient and successful study methods, it is also important to know what to avoid while studying. First, reading; just reading over notes or a chapter in a textbook is not helpful when trying to retain information. Instead, you need to practice what you have read or use one of the methods mentioned earlier. Some more habits that will set you up for failure on your tests are procrastinating, not having the correct setting for studying and lack of sleep.
There are so many useful strategies to aid in studying that will ultimately result in higher test scores.. Using and practicing any of these methods can lead to good study habits, a better understanding of units and more success on tests.